Professor Rainmaker, in regalia:

Professor Moonwriter:

Defensoir WillowRune:

Aaran laid the campfire, and later on, everyone sprinkled in ashes and dirt brought from their own homes, altars, and fires. The evening included a healing ritual for Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart, Hedwig Dragontree, and any others that people wished to send personal healing to, as well as a blessing and charging of rune-enscribed wands, created for Oberon and MG and held here by Willow Silverhawk.

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Not everyone who would love to go to the Conclave can make it, unfortunately. However, we wanted to be able to provide a way in which we can all "connect" with our GSW family.
This spell is designed to be simple and flexible, that it may fit within whatever traditional framework you choose. It is my firm belief that in the heart of good magick beats simplicity. The fewer "moving parts" there are, the fewer things can go awry. Of course, I invite you to disagree heartily with me. In that case, I offer you a second hallmark of good magick: Flexibility.
If you feel that this spell is too simple, if you feel that it needs a bit of tweaking in certain places or if it just feels wrong for you in any way, simply change it while your casting. The point is the intention, not rigidly following a set of instructions. After all, if you follow each of these steps to the letter, but are leery about one detail or the other, your concentration will not be directed in the proper direction.
The Conclavians will be casting their spell at 9:15 PM this Saturday night, July 22. Since it is the intention of this spell to connect all of us, it would be a very good idea to cast this at the same time. Since the conclave is being held in PST, you may wish to check the time zones to see what time 9:15 PST is where you are. I find this site to be extremely helpful here.
You'll need delightfully few items to cast this particular spell. For those of you at the Conclave, you‚ll need a roaring campfire, a small bit of wood (it should be relatively small and dry, such as a bit of bark from the firewood; you are going to be burning this), something with which you can mark a symbol or phrase on the wood.
Now, think of what you desire to come of your activity with the Grey School over the course of the next year. Will it be to raise public awareness of GSW? Perhaps you‚d like to see GSW advance in some fashion? Whatever the intent may be, draw a symbol or sentence of that intent on the bit of wood. This may be a bindrune, a runic script, a symbol, sigil, picture or phrase of your choice.
Those of you playing the home version will want to do something very similar, but substituting a candle for a campfire and paper for the bit of wood. In order to enhance the connection between your candle and the Conclave campfire, why not make it a red one? Although nearly any kind of paper is useful for this spell, I'm particularly fond of flash paper. There's little need for a fireproof container, there's no ash to contend with, and you don't even have to disable your smoke detector! However, please be sure to follow all safety guidelines associated with burning objects (including candles!). That is, do have a fireproof container, a means to extinguish fire mishaps, and don't leave anything burning unattended!
Now that you're all set up, let's cast!
Casting the Spell:
- Set up a space where you will be undisturbed for at least 15 minutes. If you use magickal circles in your work, you might wish to cast one at this point. You may set the mood with music, incense, candles or whatever you desire. What is important is that your surroundings feel safe and magickal. If you‚re at the Conclave, of course, that will be done with others around the campfire.
- Hold the wood/paper between your palms. Focus on the intent within your hands. You have the ability to bring this to fruition. Visualize clearly this intent coming into being using all of your senses. What will it look like? How will you feel when it is done? Include even how it might smell and taste!
- Direct all of your energy into the object in your hands. It is a physical manifestation of your intent. While you are charging this, it might be helpful to include a little chant. I can be anything, really. Perhaps something like this:
A bit of magick within my handsWhen youve charged the wood/paper as much as you can, cast it in the fire to release the energy that you‚ve built up into it. If you're using the above chant, you might want to throw it into the fire on the third line and watch it hit the flames on the last line.
To give to the Wizard's School.
I send to the flames of our gathering,
To make this dream come true!
Now, cleanse and clear in whatever way you deem appropriate and sit down before the candle/fire. Have a bit of a conversation and make plans as to what you're going to do in order to help bring your intent to fruition. After all, magick needs a bit of mundane activity as well.
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Leigha and Gallie did a shamanic dance at the Saturday campfire. (Note Moonwriter’s cauldron, full of bubbling peach cobbler-- everyone brought dessert to the campfire too share.)

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