Above: First Aid kit completed by GSW Third Year, Dark Eagle (Undines House) for the "Wizardly First Aid and Safety" class. (Posted with permission)

"Also called 'Honorian' after it's inventor Honorius III (1216-1227), this is probably the most popular magick script used, even today. In fact, it is commonly called 'The Witches Alphabet.' I think it should more correctly be known as the 'Wizards Alphabet.' I was struck by the variety of both smooth and straight linework, but also the thick/thin factor. It really challenges the rules of type design, but within that it possesses an interesting flow--especially when treated with a calligraphic touch (changing the baseline, blending some together, etc.)."Xander invites readers to decipher the coded message underneath the font "keyboard." (Posted with permission)
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